Friday January 21st was Kite Day at Okinawa Christian School International. All of the elementary students brought kites to school, and they had the opportunity to fly them. It was a fun time. My Bible class was asked to take a class period off and help the kids get their kites airborne. I have not flown a kite in years, the last time was with Zach, and we were living in Norco in the beginning years of pastoring at CCLivingwater. But this day, Zach and I were both helping young students get in the air. You take for granted things in life, like I thought everyone knew how to fly a kite, but kids need to be taught. It was kind of funny, seeing them run all over to get it in the air, but then we just told them to stay still and let the string out, and we would throw it up in the air, and the wind would catch it, and it would fly up. The kids had a blast, and so did we. To tell you the truth, it made me think way back, to when I was a kid, and the first time Zach and I flew a kite together. This might seem kind of corny but, life is like this with the Lord, we all want to fly high, so we run all over the place trying to fly, but all God wants us to do is let the string out, trust Him, and the wind of His Spirit will catch us, and then, our life will really take off!

Love, Pastor Tommy