Sunday, March 27, 2005
Tommy and Joanna's Anniversary and Takako's luncheon
Hi everyone! We are having a little difficulty with our posting. So if you would like you can read the headlines below and if you would like you can turn to our photo albums and see more pictures of the events. Takako's pictures are at and Joanna and my photos are at . God bless you all and I hope that you enjoy the articles.

March 23, was Joanna and my 19th Wedding Anniversary. Can you believe it! 19 years! I am the most blessed man on the face of the earth. To look back on those years seem to just fly by. I am so blessed that God provided for me such a wonderful wife, I mean it! Who else could have put up with me for all these years and even followed me to Okinawa Japan! With all seriousness, we are blessed, God has done many miracles in our lives and we look forward to what He will do in the future. Please continue to pray for us, that we would have fruitful ministry and the visions that God has put in our hearts will be fullfilled in His timing. We have such a heart for Japan and especially the Okinawan people. We want to see the Lord glorified throughout this Island. Pray that God will give us the opportunity to help start many Calvary Chapel's on the Island. There are 1.2 million people in Okinawa and presently only 2 Calvary's. There is so much work to do, but all this will be fulfilled in God's timing.

Takako Miyagi has served at OCSI for 10 years, but recently she has heard the call of God to resign from her position at work to serve the Lord in a new capacity. She does not know where that is, but she is following the calling of God. You might remember Genesis 12 where God called out Abram to a land that he did not know. He followed the Lord's leading even though God did not tell Him exactly where that will be. So it is with Takako, all she knows is that God is calling her to follow Him in a new way. For many of us, this seems kind of scary, but remember, God just asks us to follow and He will do all the leading. The men and women in the "Hall of Faith" (Hebrews 11-12) were ordinary people who were led by an extraordinary God. Continue to pray for Takako, she will be heading to Israel with Pastor Rick and I. This has been a life long vision to visit the Holy Land, and in a few weeks it will come to pass.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Go!Go! Eigo house completed

Praise the Lord everyone! The gogo eigo house is completed and ready for ministry. The Lord is so good. We have been working on this venture of faith for months and the Lord has finished the product, and now it is ready for ministry. If you want to see more pict of the house, click below on . Please continue to pray, now we are going to start advertising for people to come and learn english. Pray for Yumi Tomori, Joanna Ruiz and others who will be teaching classes through this ministry.

Saturday, March 19, 2005
The Ladies back in California
I just recieved word from Rose Hernandez through email that the team arrived safe at LAX. She just wanted to thank everyone in Okinawa for their great hospitality. The team loved staying at the women's D house and are grateful for all the love and support from the body at CCOkinawa. Thank you Pastor Rick for allowing the team to come and minister at the church. The Lord did such a great work with them while they were in Okinawa. Please continue to pray for these ladies, as they continue to step out in faith. They have been invited to American Samoa in August of this year. So some of the ladies in California and Okinawa plan on meeting in Hawaii and flying from there to Samoa. Some of the ladies that have already comitted are : Joanna Ruiz, Christy Barnett, and Sandra Velarde. Let's keep them in our prayers.
Pastor Dylan, Anabel and Little Ethan

A great picture. Definitely one for you to download and print. For those of you who don't know, Dylan pastor's a new work in Watsonville, California. He formally was the Assistant Pastor of CCLivingwater before the Lord called him out up north. Please continue to pray for them as they seek the Lord, and follow His leading. The Church is in the early stages, but we know that the Lord will continue to do great things in their lives. Also, continue to pray for their housing situation, they are renting a wonderful house, but the owner wants to sell it. We know that God has another place that they are to rent, so bring their needs to the throne room of God.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Can you believe it! They are engaged. Tim and Ayu are going to get married. We are all blown away and excited at the same time. They are both wonderful Christians who love the Lord, and serve Jesus faithfully. When Tim proposed, he did it in grand fashion. They went down to a secluded beach in Yomitan Village, where he got down on both knees and popped the question; she accepted. Yes, you heard it first here at If you would like to see all the pictures please turn to . Make sure to send your love below by adding a comment to them so they can read it. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Weilai at CCWatsonville
Pastor Dylan at CCWatsonville

Pastor Dylan is the one on the right, and this is the way he does his counceling session, up close. Just kidding. We love this guy, the Lord is doing a great work in NorCal, so please continue to pray for him as he is faithfully serving the Lord. Also, please continue to pray for the church, presently they are meeting in their home and the landlord, is selling it, so they have to move. Pray for God's guidance and hand to be upon them. If you would like to see more picts, click below on

W2 - Worship/Word Biblestudy

W2 meets at the girls Dhouse in Okinawa. W2 stands for Worship/Word. The Biblestudy consists of mostly college career age people (but they let some of us old guys attend, they have to, I teach the study). The Biblestudy is taught in English but translated by Yumi Tomori in Japanese. Our hearts are to reachout to the Japanese speaking people here in Okinawa. Please continue to pray for us, we have lots of vision for this summer. We would like to host some "Kamisama Matsuri's" and "Iesusama Matsuri's", Jesus Festival's here on the Island. God bless you all.

Twin sisters. Just kidding. Everyone remember's Kathy Mize, she was one of the first missionaries sent here to Okinawa. But the lady on the right is Candice Rose the assistant pastor's wife of CCTokorozawa in Mainland Japan. The reason we took their picture together is they remind us of eachother. Two sisters that finally met, one from California, the other came from Hawaii. What a small world.

Saturday, March 12, 2005
Purity Seminar

The Women's Purity Seminar was a total blessing. The ladies as well as the gals had a great time of worship, fellowship and the Word. The ladies who taught and did the workshops did an excellent job. Ayu Agena said "hagemashi", that means that is was encouraging. She also said that "it was encouraging for other young people". We just want to take the time to give all the Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ for His Faithfulness. Praise the Lord for the ladies who came from California, mainland Japan, and also all the ladies who faithfully serve the Lord here in Okinawa.

CCOkinawa's monthly Men's Prayer Breakfast

We guys had our monthly men's breakfast at Awase Golf Course. The breakfast tastes great here at the golf course, it is "all you can eat" American style for only 5.00 dollars. Rich Rose from CCTokorozawa was the guest speaker and he did a great job. He truly encouraged the guys in the Lord Jesus Christ. The night before the Youth group guys had a "lock in" at the church so they were so tired in the morning, they stayed up all night.

Friday, March 11, 2005
2nd and final night of the Women's Prayer Conference

The second night of the Women's Prayer Conference. In this picture we have Natsuki, Joanna, and Patty. All the ladies had a great time. Tomorrow morning starts the Ladies Purity Seminar, we have just put up tons of picts on the photo album so click onto , so we will keep you posted and you keep them in your prayers

Thursday, March 10, 2005
Women's Prayer Conference
Thursday night was the first of two nights that the ladies met for the Prayer Conference. It was a blessing to see the ladies that were there, who were hungry to learn more about prayer in their lives. Christy Barnett and Rose Hernandez began the conference teaching on "Why we Pray" and "Being persistant in Prayer". If you would like to see more picts of the conference click below at We will see you tomorrow night.
The Ladies from CCLivingwater and Rich and Candice Rose
Hi everyone, we are having a little problem with loading text on the pictures, but we want to keep you all informed on what is happening. The Ladies from Livingwater are safely here from California, and they are ministering at the Women's Prayer Conference tonight. It is a blessing to have them with us. Also, Rich and Candice Rose from CCTokorozawa are here with us. Rich is the Assistant Pastor at CC Tokorozawa, and has been faithfully serving the Lord in Japan for 3 years. Please continue to pray for this weekend and this week, there will be much happening with this group here on Island. We will be uploading allot of picts from this weekend, if you would like to see them click onto God bless you all.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Gogo eigo house almost complete

We are almost finished completing the roof of the eigo house. For those of you who do not know, this is a vision that the Lord gave Joanna and I when we first started renting our house. The house came with a garage and this green room above the garage that was totally damaged and just a frame. We had the house reframed and put a new roof (by the total blessing and help of Max Cruzado). We are hoping to start offering English classes at the start of April, so please continue to pray for us, as we step out in this venture of faith

Happy Hannah's 12th Birthday

Last night we celebrated Hannah's birthday even though it was a day early, her birthday is not until March 8th. Some people from the church came over and we had a wonderful birthday party for her. Joanna cooked Chicken Curry, rice and baked a wonderful carot cake. Sandra Velarde made this great Korean Chicken, Kathy Mize made fried rice and we chowed down. Happy Birthday Hannah and may God continue to bless you and may His hand be upon your life.

Saturday, March 05, 2005
CCOkinawa Couple's Dinner

Friday March 4th, CCOkinawa hosted a Couple's dinner that was held at Tori Army base in Yomitan city. It was a total blessing, we had great food, a good time playing games, a wonderful marriage devotion by Mike Silva and afterwards a great time dancing with our spouses. Pastor Rick Barnet did such a great job planning and preparing the whole night. It is such a blessing when the brethren get together, especially when we honor our wives and take them out for a great evening

Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Women's Prayer Seminar and Purity Conference

CCBC Okinawa will be hosting a Women's Prayer Seminar and a Purity Conference. The dates are March 10th and 11th and 12th. We are inviting other Christian Churches as well as some of the other Christian Schools on Island to attend. Please continue to pray for those who will be coming from California, Rose Hernandez will be heading the team from CCLivingwater. Also, Candice Rose an Assistant Pastor's wife from CCTokorozawa in Japan will be teaching one of the sessions. We are believing that God will do wonderful things that weekend, as we sought the heart of God in this venture of faith for the believers on the Island.

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