When you get a chance, can you please click on the audio button below and hear this weeks praise and prayer requests. God bless you all, Pastor Tommy
For those of you who did not know, some of the most intense fighting during WWII happened here in Okinawa. One of those places was Kakuza Ridge. During the intense fighting 2,000 Japanese and over 200 Maines lost their lives on this ridge. During the battle, the Americans launched an attack of 30 tanks up the hill, during the first day, they lost 22 of the 30 tanks to enemy fire. The strategy was changed and they took the hill quickly. On this ridge there is now a park and a huge monument to those who gave their lives. We visited this place and had a chance to do some metal detecting. Jason Arbogast again took us, and we found some interesting objects. There are too many to picture here, but if you look to the bottom left you see some kind of detenation device, maybe part of a mortar shell (we did not pick it up), then to the top right Zach is holding some kind of pulley or caseing. We also found shrapnel, and a sight seeing device for a rifle. While we were there looking around we ran into a man who began telling us about the area, and what the battle was like. He is 71 years old and he was 11 years old when the war began. He used to live in Urasoe city (the next city over) and has seen much heartache. While he was speaking to us talking about his city, he began to cry, there were tears coming down his face. You began to realize that the Okinawan people suffered much during the war. The loving hands of Jesus can truly heal the wounded hearts.
We have been planning this for over a week. Jason Arbogast (center right) has metal detecting equipment, and has been doing this in Okinawa for some time now. We asked him if he would take us on a finding mission. We headed out to some caves in Ginowan city to search for some hidden treasures. (treasures meaning old WWII artifacts) In the picture on the top left, Segmon and Rob are checking out some caves. In the caves they find some cool stuff, old bones, broken china, old bottles, but we do not take anything out. As we were metal detecting outside the caves, we found some old shrapel, it was a solid peace of brass (center picture in Rob's hand). Sad to say, Okinawa was completely bombed out during WWII. They say that so many bombs were dropped on Okinawa, it was the equivelent of 8 bombs per 3'x6' space. That is amazing. Also, there is shrapel near the caves, because almost every cave in Okinawa was bombed out, because many times, soldiers were hiding in them.On the bottom right, Rob is pointing to a cave that is partially hidden by the thick brush. To the bottom left is an interest picture. Many Okinawan's are into cultural worship beliefs. In this picture, they believe that this is a doorway or passage for the spirits to enter into the natural world and back to the spiritual. To tell you the truth, it was kind of creepy. But, greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. They burn incense and pray at this place and also at different places near the caves and any other spot that they believe is spiritual. At the top right is a place in Ginowan that is very old. In the old days, the okinawan people would come to this spring and bath and wash their clothes. There is also an old Okinawan folk tale that took place here but it would take to long to tell you. All in all, we had a great time today, hunting for old relics is a lot of fun.