Saturday, December 29, 2007
Yes, he passed!
Brent's Back!
Tom Cotton in Australia

Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Morning in Okinawa
Article and pict from Trevor Raichura

This morning we gathered at Pastor Tom's place (he and his family are in the States but he opened his home to us anyways), and had a delicious breakfast potluck and gift exchange. It was PACKED. I think the total, including baby, was 38 people! After a lot of people left (sorry guys) I pulled out my chocolate fondue set and we ate fruits the fattening way! I'm glad Jesus has a birthday once a year just like the rest of us... not just because we can gather and fellowship, but because it reminds us of the miracle of His birth, and of course the subsequent perfect life, sacrifice, and resurrection! Thanks, Lord! Merry Christmas to all!

Christmas Morning in California
Christmas Eve Okinawa (David and Liz's House)
Article and Picts from Trevor Raichura

Christmas Mexican style. No, Sosimo didn't come back to Oki for Christmas... I was invited over to my friends' place for dinner and good times. The Barrios family have been in Oki for over a year now, and they are a lot of fun to spend time with and be chased by their kids. Julia, Alondra, and especially Nico are so much FUN! Here's a pic of Nico wearing my Santa hat. Also included are pics of Yoshi beating Dave (Barrios) down at chess, a pic of Ayu and Tim appearing from behind a cake, and one of a bunch of people sitting around while Tim laughs.

Christmas at w2 dessert potluck
Articles and picts from Trevor Raichura

Last night we gathered as always at the Koinonia Cafe. Instead of continuing through (and finishing) the book of Job, we had a special Christmas service. Andrew and Dan led us in worship and Christmas songs, and some guy named Trevor gave the message in Japanese. Pastor Tim translated into English for the non-Japanese folks. Afterwards we had a dessert potluck. To the best of my knowledge there were no confessions of faith, but I know there were some non-believers who came, heard about the miracle of Jesus' birth, and experienced God's love and Word in a powerful way. It was an amazing night!

For our Japanese friends: 昨夜、コイノニアカフェで礼拝をいつもどおりに行ったけど、今回は旧約聖書のヨブ記を学んだのではなくて、クリスマスメッセージがありました。朝礼拝では、ティム牧師がルカによる福音書から教えてくれました。英語通訳はトレバーという変なカナダ人がやった。夕方礼拝は朝と逆で、トレバーがマタイによる福音書から教えてて、ティム牧師が英語に通訳してくれた。礼拝後はデザートポットラックがあって、たくさんの甘~い物をいただきました!初めてイエスの救いを受け入れた人はいなかったと思うけど、未信者は何人かいて、神様の愛、みことば、そしてイエス様の奇跡的な誕生を味わうことができました。本当に最高な一日でした!神様に感謝します!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Official Video of Winter Camp
This is the official video from the Youth Winter Retreat at Green Valley Lake. The youth from CCLivingwater and the surrounding Calvary's had a great time. We hope that you like the video. Just double click on it and be blessed.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Hasagawa's Christmas Party
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