Monday, March 30, 2009
Brother Tim Tebow
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Rob at the Kyocera Dome
Worship in the Sanctuary
Asa's Kindergarden Photos
1/2 way through the Semester
Thursday, March 26, 2009
CGN - Calvary Japan Conference 2009

Hudson Taylor III with the Lord

China Urges New Global Currency

Spring 2009 Semester Students
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday Night Service
Anniversary Lunch
Loosing His First Tooth

Monday, March 23, 2009
More Conference Photos
Visit to Calvary West Tokyo
Joanna and I were invited to speak at Santo’s Church in West Tokyo. We had the opportunity to see the work that God is doing over there. Joanna at 2nd service helped teach the kids and she took these great shots. After the service they wanted to do a jam session of worship, so we had a fun time. For those of you who do not know Pastor Santo and his wife Ritsuko they are the two sitting on the right hand side of Joanna. Who’s baby is Joanna holding, is that Misaki?
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
Anime Paradise
Everyone Loves Glenn
We all grubbed down but Glenn was just caught with the goods. Here we are at Costco in Japan. The Dean’s were so excited to be there. After we shopped we could not resist from eating some pizza and hotdogs. Well, some of us went overboard with the “churros”. Can you believe it! churros in Japan! Don’t worry folks, Glenn did not eat all 6, he actually took back one so Takako and Yoko could share. See, he was not just thinking about himself, Glenn is a true giver.
Visit to the Family Gravesite
On my last visit to Tokyo my Aunt asked that I would come and visit the family gravesite where my grandmother and a few relatives are buried. So I made it a point to go and be there this trip. These sites are very important for Japanese people and as Christians we can remember the dead but look forward to the future. I have been learning that my Grandmother was a Christian. My Father and Mother always told me that she was Catholic, but Aunt Ayuko said that she was a Protestant. My mother left Japan at a young age and my Grandmother must have converted to Christianity later in life. My aunt said that Grandma would teach her Christian hymns when she was little and insists that she was Protestant. My Aunt Ayuko is a Buddhist as well as her two sons in the picture (Gen and Masa). What is also interesting is our family history. There is a book that has been written about my Great Grandmother and some important things that she did for the country, there is actually a site in Japan that honors what she did. Well, she was also a Christian and she worked in a Christian Hospital as one of the nurses. So, my Great Grandmother was a Christian, so was my Grandmother, my mom is a Christian and so am I. It makes me think “I wonder if my Great Grandmother prayed for her children’s children to be saved”. I also wonder how she would feel to know that her great grandson is a Pastor preaching and teaching back in Japan and her great great grandson is studying for the ministry? Never underestimate the power of prayer. I am looking forward to meeting them in Heaven.
Chillin with Aunt Ayuko
My Mother’s Sister Ayuko lives in Shinjuku City. It was a blessing to “hang out” with her in Tokyo. The girls had a lot of fun talking with her and like always she took us out to dinner. We went to a “yakiniku joint”. She treated us to a lamb dinner. We were going to hang out with Mike Snider in the evening but she told us to “invite him along”, so he joined us for some fun. My aunt has some expensive items because she used to teach the “tea ceremony”. Some of you might remember that Kayo was in China for two years learning this ceremony, so she was blessed to see some of her items. This bowl that she is holding cost more that $3,700.00 dollars, amazing!
Travelin with Kayo and Naokosan
Being able to head to Tokyo was a blessing. Joanna and I were glad that the girls were able to come. God used both of them in a powerful way. All three of the gals assisted in 4 of the worship sessions at the conference, and Kayo translated my message in a beautiful way. It is amazing the things God will do through and in you as you make yourself available to Him.
Rie’s Baptism
Rie is moving to Miyako Island to teach in the school. Before she leaves Okinawa she wanted to be baptized. So, we made an announcement at the church and many showed up at Tropical Beach to witness this wonderful event. God is so amazing! It has been so cold and rainy in Okinawa; I woke up Sunday morning and thought “we are not going to have a baptism today be cause of the weather”. But that afternoon the weather was so beautiful! Probably the best day of the year! After the baptism the weather turned cold again. God is so good! We were all so blessed.