Today we had the banquet for the Bible College and had a wonderful lunch together. It is hard to believe that that Bible College semester is almost over. Every semester they are faster and faster. This is a great group of kids, we are so blessed that the Lord brought them this semester.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Bible College Banquet: Macaroni Grill
Bundle of Joy!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Mihama Outreach
Friday, November 27, 2009
Mainland Japan Worship Concert
This past month we had the opportunity to head to Mainland Japan for a Pastor's Conference that CCTokorozawa hosts. The Saturday before the Conference, Pastor Santo from Calvary West Tokyo hosted a worship Concert that a few of the Calvary's participated in. We hope you like the video and the Japanese worship. Please click on the video above.
Blue vs. Red
Turkey Bowl 2009

Victory 2009
Archive Video: Thanksgiving 2008
This is such a funny video of Daniel last year at the Annual Turkey Bowl, that we played against CCOkinawa. Daniel was so sore from the game it was hilarious. Click on the video above, we hope you like it.
Serving Thanksgiving Afternoon
The Big Flags
On Special Holidays, Camp Foster flies the big flags on base. These things are huge! The picture does not give it justice. The are always beautiful to see, and worth pointing out as you drive by the base.
The Trophy is Home!
At least for one year. The Boyz of CCGinowan brought home the gold! They have been challenging CCOkinawa for the last 4 years and have always come home short. Not this year, they are the champions, and they are happy. When you come to the Koinonia cafe you can look in the center corner and see the trophy for yourself, on display for all to see.
It’s Cabbage Time!
Cabbage is dropping in price so we are really happy. 139yen a head, that is really cheap, about $1.60. In the off season they go about close to $4.00 a head. Remember Geigy, eat your cabbage and stay nice and healthy!
Preparing the Turkey
Wednesday night Joanna began preparing one of the turkeys right after our mid week service. Her turkeys are slow roasted for about 10 to 12 hours, and they come out so moist and tender. She starts first by buttering up the bird, add the spices and we are ready to go. The second turkey is already cooking back at the house.
Talia is here!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Mesmerized by the Master
Pastor Tim shares the Gospel
Pastor Tim came down from Nago for the Monday Thanksgiving Celebration. It was a blessing as he shared the Gospel in Japanese. The Japanese people heard of the Love of Jesus Christ that afternoon.
Monday Thanksgiving Celebration
Monday is Thanksgiving/Labor day Holiday here in Japan. So we decided to have two Thanksgivings, one on Monday and one on Thursday. We used Monday as an outreach to the Japanese people. Thursday, the guys are going to play their annual “Turkey Bowl” against CCOkinawa. Then we are going to celebrate our traditional American Thanksgiving Holiday at the church. It was a blessing having the outreach Monday at the church.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thanksgiving Fest Part II
Our Own TV Star
Calvary Ginowan Growing
It’s Christmas Time
Friday, November 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Tokito
Today Tokito officially becomes an adult in Japan. In America a person becomes an adult at 18 years of age. But here in Japan the legal age is 20. It is a big deal when you turn 20 in Japan, the city office has a celebration in the first week of January. All the guys and gals who turn 20 show up at the city office for pictures and it is a special day for the parents. The 20 year olds all wear special kimonos, it should be awesome. Zach turns twenty soon, so Tokito and Zach will be a part of the festivities. Tokito wanted a special Blueberry cake so Joanna baked him one. As you can see from the bottom picture, Tokito is wearing a special beanie. Amanda and the girls embroidered it. Tokito’s name in katakana is there and also the wolf sign. Toki loves wolf’s. Well, Happy Birthday Toki, we love you bro!
Baby Masaki; Cover Magazine
Masaki, Pastor Tim and Ayu’s baby is on the cover of Christian Style Magazine in Okinawa. He is absolutely adorable. But the thing that cracks us up is that he is “Giant Baby”. It reminds me of the old Godzilla movies where he destroys Tokyo. Well Masaki is destroying Mihama American Village in Chatan. Check out the car that he has already picked up off the street. “Nooooo Masaki, don’t eat the car”, this little boy is adorable.
Thanksgiving at Camp Kinser
Camp Kinser’s Thanksgiving Dinner for the Marines was a blessing. Joel Coronado is the intern in charge of serving at that base, and Chaplain Keith invited all the Bible College Students to come out and be a part of the night. The students got right in there and started serving. Some of them were in charge of the entertainment for the early evening. They led in worship and special song. It was a blessing being able to serve our men and men of the Armed Forces.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Devotions with Megan
Happy Birthday Tom and Toki
More F-15 Pictures
A couple of more shots coming out of the F-15, it was pretty awesome to sit in the cockpit of these mighty jets. The one thing that still amazes me, there are so many buttons, knobs and controls that the Pilots must know before they can even start this jet up.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It’s Cold in Okinawa
Can you believe it? It is cold in Okinawa! For some reason we are experiencing a cold spell, the weather is 18 Celsius, not that cold stateside, actually it is 64 degrees Fahrenheit. But it is so cold for us. The students are in jackets, beanies and sweaters. If Adam Jahnkow was still here, he would love it!
Marine Corps Ball
The Marines celebrate their 234th Birthday. Eder was invited to attend the Ball Tuesday night. The Brother in his Dressed Blues is Josh Dubois. He is the one who invited Eder. Eder looks sharp as a tack.