Hikari Oshiro leads the worship team at CCNaha. She does an excellent job and we at the Worship Conference were so blessed with great worship. It is always a blessing to be “ushered” into the presence of the Lord.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Calvary Chapel Naha Worship Team
Calvary Worship Conference 2010
Interesting Restaurant
Sometimes when you are driving in Okinawa you try new routes to see if you can get different places faster. Well, in Naha I took a different route and at a stop lights I saw this interesting picture. If you notice it is a pet store above this restaurant below. The picture on the restaurant is a big steak! I know that they do not serve pets, but it sure looks like it. I don’t think that I would ever eat at this place.
Beginning Steps
We would ask you to begin praying for us as we are starting the process of “Nationalization” here in Japan. We spoke with the head office in Naha City and they want to have a meeting with our whole family. Because we are Permanent residents here in Japan and have met all of their requirements, we have the opportunity to become Japanese citizens. There are some things we need to pray about, there are pro’s and con’s with being a Japanese/American citizen.
Inductive Bible Study Methods
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Nago’s Precious Water
Monday, April 26, 2010
Happy Birthday w2 Style
Birthday Dinner
Tebow a Bronco!
“Pretty much every commentator agrees that Josh McDaniels took a big risk by taking Tebow, but apparently he wasn't the only one willing to do so. The Broncos traded up to get Tebow because they knew Buffalo wanted him, too, Yahoo! Sports reports.”
It is stated that Tim Tebow is probably the “Greatest College Football Player Ever” but they say what hurts him is that he is a “Born Again Christian”. It will be interesting to follow his NFL career. His Bronco coach has been quoted 3 times in the 5 minute interview stating that “Tim is a Quarterback” And he made it clear that Tebow's primary goal is to become a starting quarterback, no gimmicks attached. (ESPN Sports)
Again, people say it was a “waste” to draft him so early, but clearly others were interested in him too. Pray for our brother Tebow that God will use him in an incredible way.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Birthday Breakfast with my Bride!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Birthday Get Away!
Joanna’s Birthday is this Saturday so we decided to get away Friday afternoon and spend some time together. Joanna did not know what I had planned, but we went out to lunch and never came back! We took some time to get away in Nago City.
Happy Birthday Temote
2010 Worship Conference - "Sacrifice of Praise"

Thursday, April 22, 2010
$120 Dollar Bowl of Ramen!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Nihonjin Sosimo
Monday, April 19, 2010
Inka Boyz – Peruvian Masterpiece
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Vunder Family in Arizona
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Chuck
Photo by Joel Happy Birthday bro, we are blessed for you on your Birthday. Sunday night the crew celebrated while some of us were on our missions trip to Korea. One question, is this guy 3 years old or does the candles represent the Trinity. Probably the Trinity, because he looks older than that. God bless you Chuck, we hope you had a great celebration.
Lectures with Sachikosan
Thursday, April 15, 2010
What is going on? It’s still raining!
This year has been so interesting; usually it is getting warmer, full on beach gear, but it is cold and rainy. Last night we had a huge thunderstorm, we all experienced the power of God with all the Thunder and Lightning. This year has to be something on record. It starts getting warm and then we get a big cold front. We should not really complain, it is going to get hot, and then we are going to wish it was cold again.
Neiwind Heading Home
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Last Night Together
We made it back to Incheon City (next to the airport). The last night we slept there because we had to fly out early Wednesday morning. The group took the subway and train system all the way to Seoul where we met up and took the train into Incheon Airport. We had a blast just hanging out one more night. God bless you Korean Krew, we had the greatest time with you in K-Town.
Mobbed at the Memorial
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
“Dak Galbi”
Monday, April 12, 2010
SOS Japan 2010
Hello everyone! This is the new promo video for SOS 2010 (Summer of Service). We hope that you will be able to be a part of what the Lord will be doing with us here in Okinawa. Also, please pray for everyone who will be attending this year, the dates are July 12th - August 15th. God bless you, Pastor Tommy
Korean Pro Volleyball Players
On the streets of Daejeon Justin spotted a few pro players. He looked at them and said “Hey, they are Pros”. He was totally right, we saw a picture of these gals earlier in the day and Justin saw them play on TV the other day. The girls actually bought everyone a Waffle cone Ice Cream. It is not every day that you meet Pro Volleyball Players, and it is not every day that they buy you a Waffle Cone.
New Look Tamiko
Next to the church in Daejeon there is a hairstylist who is always busy, so Tamiko decided to “give her a try”. Her new style came out great, but you will have to wait until Wednesday Okinawans to see the new cut. The price was just right, only 7,000 Korean Won, about 550 yen ($6.75 American Dollars). Good looking hairstyle Tamiko, lookin good!
Cute Kid
This is one of the cute kids at the orphanage in Daejeon that everyone loves. We actually do not know his name, we call him “Sammy” after Sosimo’ brother in the states. They kind of look the same, both of them are really cute. Sammy has a lot of energy. He comes over to you, gives you a candy and will “chow down” on your food if you don’t watch out. I have seen him now for the last year and a half and he is getting older. A cute kid, God has good things in store for him, please pray for brother “Sammy”.