Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Taliya!
Video from the Macau Boyz
The Price is Daijoubu (Right)!
CCBC Cribz
The students at SOS had a competition (girls dorm vs. guys dorm)to make the best CCBC Commercial.We hope you like it, just click on the video above.
Thanks Futenma Chapel
Security Beefed Up!
Finishing Touches on the Okinawan Roof Decor
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Nago Outreach and Baptisms
We had a great time in Nago with the outreach with Pastor Tim. The weather was perfect and the BBQ was outstanding. Later in the night the firework show was out of this world. We were all so blessed. Thank you Yumi for the great pictures.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
San San Maru
This is where the cafe is located in Akamichi, Ginowan City. We love this area, located on the crest of the hill, it is always cooler in Ginowan City because of the higher elevation. Ginowan is the 3rd oldest city in Okinawa just after Naha City and Okinawa City. The 330 (San San Maru) is one of two main arteries that extend from Naha half way up the island. Ginowan City, the place we call home.
The Crown Prince of Japan Visits Today
Monday, July 26, 2010
Kelii and Jean-Luc from the KRY
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Outreach in Mihama
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Beautiful Okinawan Sunset
Pancakes at Climax Coffee
Happy Birthday Chara!
Up to Nago!
Zach is Back!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Jonathan Heskett in Mainland Japan
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Dan Pallman’s Licensing Service
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Israel Recap 2010
Hello, we did a little recap of the trip to Israel. We hope that you like the video. Just click on it above.
Brother Larry Torres
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Back in Okinawa
We made it safe back to Okinawa. It was a great trip to the Middle East. God blessed our trip in every way, we could not have asked for more. From visa miracles, lost camera found, to finding our wallet, God was so good to us on this trip. Thank you for all your prayers.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Arrived in Hong Kong Airport
Giant Burgers Cause Jaw injury
One of the good things about traveling in Asia you get to read the newspaper in different countries. I liked the article that I just read; “Giant burgers cause jaw injury”. It talks about Taiwanese dentist complaining that their clients are suffering from jaw injuries. They report that the human mouth is designed to “gape over objects measuring up to 4 centimeters”. The problem is that fast-food restaurants have burgers over 8 centimeters high (3 inches) and are causing Taiwanese people to suffer injury from opening their jaws to wide. This cracked me up. So next time you guys think about ordering a 4X4 at In-N-Out, you better think twice.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Tel Aviv to Incheon Airport
Zach in LA
Blogging in Ben Gurion Airport
We are leaving tonight heading to Korea. In Korea we will spend the night and fly out the next morning to Hong Kong (3 hours flight, then to Taipei (1 hour flight), then to Okinawa (1 hour flight). It should be easy, just chillin until we leave. Rob is checkin the baseball scores and Chuck and I are bloggin. Joe Tipton is with his Uncle still in Tel Aviv. He should be arriving soon.
Hard to say “Good Bye”
Now remember, we did not say “sayonara” but “matane”, because sayonara means like a permanent goodbye. We will see our sister again. God has great things in store for Takako. They already love her there and are telling me good things. But she will definitely need our prayers everyday. So continue to pray for Takako. It was difficult to leave but remember Takako “Matane”, we will see you soon.
Saturday after Service Meal
The Church gathers for a luncheon after the service. Because they also have a soup kitchen God always provides for the service. It was excellent! We had cheesy Mac and cheese, rice, soup, eggplant, and a vegetable stir fry, a meal for a king.