Saturday, April 30, 2011
80's Party
Personal Thoughts
As I have been reflecting on Hannah leaving the past few months and they have been super difficult. The hardest have been looking at pictures of her when she was a little girl and asking the questions "where did time go"? We used to make fun of Michal because when we talked about Zach leaving in the early days she would say "I don't want to talk about it" because it upset her so much. We would laugh and laugh at her and tell her to not get so emotional. But the shoe is on the other foot now, as I have been the one who "does not want to talk about it". But then something happened on Easter that I did not expect; While I was teaching on John 20 at least 4 times the Lord tells the Disciples "Peace". I was telling the congregation that God was going to give them peace, peace in the difficult situations that they are going through and will go through in the future. Then all of a sudden there was a revelation, like God spoke right to my heart "Tom, that peace is for you too". Wow! It hit me hard! Yes! That peace is for me too, then God flooded my heart with His peace.
Today I look with anticipation and great joy that Hannah will be leaving Okinawa to embark on the greatest time in her life; Bible College at Murrieta. Like so many gals before her she will receive her calling and equipping for all that He has in store for her life. Like I told my son, 3 years ago "Bible College was the loneliest and greatest time of my life". It was the loneliest because I had to move away from my family and friends, but the greatest time in my life because all I had to do was study, eat and sleep. No pressure from a secular job, no bills to pay, just studying the Word of God.
I am still going to miss Hannah greatly, but I am filled with the joy and Peace of God, a peace that He gave me, knowing that He has her in the palm of His Hand. Thank you Jesus for your peace.
"Solid Tribe"
Our Dear Sisters
e3missions milestone: 117 posts

Boek's; two generations
First Girl in Sendai
Men's Meeting
devil juice
Friday, April 29, 2011
Complete Joy!
Tetsuya at Lectures

First from Okinawa
Time of Prayer
Calvary Japan Conference
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Mt. Fuji from the Freeway
Time to Leave Nagano
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Second Night: NWC
Great Food Before the Conference
Aya and Chara share Wednesday Night
Praise the Lord!
Snow Ninjas
The amazing thing about Ninjas is that they are able to adapt to any environment. I was amazed to see how they hide in the water. Go Ninjas!
100 Post Milestone
It has been March 2010 since we have posted 100 entries into e3missions. We dedicate this milestone to our recent trip to the "Ninja Museum" in the mountains of Nagano. Yes, you have read right, a museum dedicated to Ninjas. It was awesome! Check my Facebook page to see more pictures. I will put up a few more randomly.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Toki's New Friend
This is Aya's doggie Emma; she like Toki a lot. They are hanging out together in the cabin. Only one problem, Emma does not like taking pictures.
Aya's House
We made it safely up to Aya's house in the mountains. The house is warm and beautiful. We are so blessed to be here. Tomorrow begins a good day of sightseeing before we begin day two of the worship conference.
Night 1 "Nagano Worship Conference"
We begin our first night of the worship conference in Nagano. Pastor Kazunari (Aya's Pastor) has graciously allowed us to come and serve the church. Pastor Travis and Pastor Santo are the guest speakers but the Holy Spirit is the Teacher.
Toki's First Black Thunder Bar
Toki has heard so much about the "black thunder ice-cream bar". So Pastor Travis took Toki to go and get one. Look at his big smile; but the real question is "did he like it"? Give us your comment below; what was your first encounter with the "black thunder bar"?
Tuesday Leadership Breakfast
The guys gather every Tuesday for breakfast and a devotion. It is a good time for them to get to know how everyone is doing. Peter shared in the Word this morning; good stuff.
Monday, April 25, 2011
So the Party Begins?
Tokyo Arrival
We are on the monorail bound for Hamamatsu and then on our way to Tokorozawa. Toki like this advertisement for the Tokyo banana.
Tokyo Bound
It is time to leave for Tokyo. We met up with Pastor Rick as he is on the same flight. We will spend one night in Tokyo and then we are off to Nagano. Pastor Rick will head to Sendai.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Fruit Ball
Instead of baseball we use a plastic/rubber ball and you use modified baseball rules. Anyone can play and have a blast. As you can see even Tamiko got into the action. A Rockin fun time at the park.
Ginowan Park Fellowship
During the fun time the kids hid some candies and then we put up a puppet show sharing the Gospel. The students did a good job sharing the Gospel. The park time was a blessing.
Easter Service

Kids Outreach in Yuni
A Dodgers Fan
Pastor Tim is training him up early. Tomoki looks good in that hat. Zach and Rob are loving that hat. Tomoki a Dodger fan for sure.
Easter Breakfast
It is such a blessing to just celebrate the Resurrection with a nice relaxing breakfast. Jesus is no longer in the grave! It is a blessed morning.
Nago Outreach
The team is heading out to Nago to be a part of the outreach that Pastor Tim is having in the area. It rained all day and most of the day. But by the time of the outreach it was beautiful weather. Praise the Lord!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Tohoku Group Shares
At the Good Friday Get Together we had the Tohoku Group share their experience in the relief area. It was a blessing to hear them share. The Word of the Lord said that "God is well pleased with their loving service".
Good Friday Get Together
We gathered for a dinner and fellowship time at the church. Today our sins have been forgiven on the Cross. Jesus died so that we might have life.
Wonderful Hokkaido Team
Hey, where is Naoko? Oh, she is taking the picture. The team looks good but cold! They are all bundled up while we are in shorts and flip flops. Take care Hokkaido team, be blessed in the Spirit.
Simon in Sendai
Simon and Temote from Okinawa Teen Challenge are in the Sedai area helping Samaritan Purse do ministry. The Lord blessed them with a sweet tent, just look how happy Temote looks. God bless the Okinawa Teen Challenge group.
Tohoku Team Home Safely
God definitely blessed their trip as they were submitted to the moving of God's Holy Spirit. God gave them a fruitful and blessed trip as they went out and did the Lord's work. Please join with us in prayer as we prepare for future trips for the glory of the Lord.
12 Week Completed
Time has just absolutely flown by again. We are moving into our final 3 weeks of the semester. It had been a blast just being with the students but also realizing there is so much that they still need to learn. The Holy Spirit is not finished with us yet, so all we need to do is just submit to His Lordship. God is good.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
A Man's Got to have his Pizza
After a hard missions trip to the Tohoku/Sendai area you get hungry. The team is ready to come home, but first one last stop at Costco. Come home safe gang.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Stepping Out in Faith

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
As I am flying back to Okinawa I have to reflect on what is happening here. Joanna, my oldest son Zach and our small team are in Mainland Japan helping in the relief effort. I am flying back to Okinawa with the team from Guam. Tomorrow a team of 10 led by Chuck will be heading to Sapporo to serve during Easter at CCSapporo. Six months ago no one would have ever thought that life would have so drastically change for all of us here in Japan. New vision, new direction for many, some will rise to new heights in servanthood. Serving the Lord full time is an exciting adventure, a pure privilege in a dark world.
Rifu Town, Miyagi
I recently got off the phone with Joanna and they are hanging with the kids as the guys at an earlier time were helping clean out a house. They are back at the community center getting ready to to cook dinner for the people tonight. Please pray for a fruitful time. This picture was sent from Zach.
Arrived at Narita Airport
Now it is time to catch a bus to Haneda Airport for our final flight back to Okinawa. Se of the students are tired, but now it is time for some homework; Chuck Tracts, hurray!
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