May 21st, we had a wonderful opportunity to minister to the Marines on Camp Hansen. It was an incredible evening. The Sargent/Major of the Marines in Japan is a Christian, and he invited us to come on base and put on a Christian Concert for the Marines that are located up north. So the worship team prepared, Tim Newell prepared some rap and break dancing, and we came up there loaded with a lot of hamburgers, hotdogs and the Love of Christ. So many Marines showed up, that we had to get more burgers and still we ran out. Glenn and company cooked over 350 burgers! Well, the ministry time was awesome! Different Marines came up and shared their testamony, and we shared the Gospel one on one. A few of us had the opportunity to lead different Marines to the Lord, and a handful of them showed up for Church this morning. Praise theLord! Please continue to pray for the ministry to the Marines up at Camp Hansen. We know the Lord wants to do some great things up there, but the timing has to be His. If you would like to see some of the picts from the evening, please click onto http://photos.yahoo.com/camphansen. God bless you all.

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