Kayo turned 22 today, so Joanna baked her a cake. We had a wonderful dinner with her, the Pallmann's came over, we prayed a blessing over Kayo and had a great night of fellowship. Please continue to pray for Kayo as she seeks the Lord on what He would have her do next. When you get a chance, click the comment button below and leave her a nice birthday greeting. Kayo has always been a blessing to us, and to many of you who know her. Happy Birthday Kayo, and may the Lord continue to bless you.
Kayo, Happy birthday and may the Lord continue to bless and use you...Do you remember me, you are not that old yet to forget. My name is pastor Jim Morgan Sr., I worked at the corona school district,I used to come in for coffee and fellowship at the living water coffehouse. If you forgot, ask Yumi and please tell her to e-mail me.I love Sushi. Bless you, Jim Morgan Sr.
p.s. The Lord called me to St. Joseph, Missouri. I will do 2 services this morning. Hi Tommy! I miss Cisco!
Happy Birthday Kayo!!! We love your smile and great personality and love for Christ....
Yohuske and Tomoko Torres
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