Praise the Lord! Rob Wunderlich is back on Island. He had a great trip in the states and a good flight on China Airlines. He is ready to get back to work for the Lord. Please keep Rob in your prayers, we will be starting some new ministries up in the next week. One of them, we will begin a new youthgroup at CCGinowan. God has brought a few Japanese speaking youth to the Church, and we we want to be faithful to minister to them the best we can. Rob has had the privelege to minister with Damien Velarde at CCOkinawa (TC-1) for the past 10 months, so I know that he is going to miss that youth group, but please pray for Rob for fresh vision and direction from the Lord. We really need all of your prayers.
hey..dawg..miss u homie..i will be prayin' fo u...keep up da good work the Lord has given you...be an example to da youth ova dere...peayce and God Bless!
ur bro,
hey! you didn't even tell us you were coming! i could have baked you a cake.....well, prob.not....but i could have bought you a TACO!_!
thanks for the hug, though :]
hey! you didn't even tell us you were coming! i could have baked you a cake.....well, prob.not....but i could have bought you a TACO!_!
thanks for the hug, though :]
RoBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!!Great to see you back on the island. See you soon. Dano
sweet you are back man.sweetness i can show you my bose headphones tonight at bible study.
Man I thought we got rid of you! Ha just kiddin! peace out.
Vunder!!! ii tomodachi!!!!!
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