Congratulations Brent! We are so proud of you bro! Brent graduated from the University of Maryland with his BS degree. He has been faithfully attending college for over two years. He worked hard and a special thanks goes out to his wife Cathy as she had to endure long hours of study and taking care of little Aaron. Pictured above to your left is Brent's mother who flew in from Nebraska. She loves the ocean, so hopefully she will be able to experience Okinawa's beautiful blue waters. To your bottom left is a picture of Professor Dan Brody (soon to be Dr. Brody, he is finishing up his doctorate waiting for his final approval). Dan attends CCGinowan with us and is such a blessing, both he and his wonderful family. Well again Brent, we are so proud of you bro, Praise the Lord!
Dan Brody looks like a deer staring at your headlights while driving!!!!
My family and I moved to Okinawa Japan after Pastoring in Corona, California for 14 years. We started the church in 1991, and have a wonderful church family back in Corona. The reason for coming to Okinawa, is that we have a vision to start a Calvary Chapel Bible College and prepare men and women for ministry all over the World. We feel totally blessed to be overseas in Japan, and believe that this is just the beginning of what God wants to do here on the Island.
*CCBC Okinawa
*The Ruiz Family
*Go!Go!Eigo English ministry
*Koinonia Cafe
*Koinonia Thrift Store
*Girls Disipleship House
*New Church Plant in Ishikawa City
*MELT (my english lunch time)
Dan Brody looks like a deer staring at your headlights while driving!!!!
Congratulations Brent...Our prayers are with you...Happy Father's Day!
Congratulations & God bless!
Aloha in Christ,
Dan & Debe :)
Brent...awesome ..congrats brother.
Brent, congratulations on this milestone. May it open new and excellent opportunities for you in Christ.
God bless,
Who is Dan Brody? I only know a 'Dan Broudy'
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