Calvary Chapel Livingwater, our home church back in Corona California, recently had a spanish outreach in their neighborhood. They had a concert in the park. Some local hispanic bands came out, with some of the guys doing some raps. The Lord blessed the afternoon as Pastor Cisco gave the message in Spanish and some people came up to recieve the Lord into their hearts. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness. Please continue to pray for the church in Corona, that the Lord will continue to lead and guide them. God bless you everyone back at Livingwater! Love, the whole Oki crew.
Hey! Was Kings & Priests there! Suavacito, (Jesus Cristo!) Love you guys, and miss all my Cali crew. See you all at the holidays!
Cisco, mi hermano, cortado su pelo amiga! :)
Joanna...I can't believe that with a name like Joanna Ruiz you forgot your spanish. You speak it like you took 1 year of spanish in High school or kinda like Glenn! Cotate su pelo amigo is what your looking for amiga! Que te vendiga mi amiga!
Joanna...I can't believe that with a name like Joanna Ruiz you forgot your spanish. You speak it like you took 1 year of spanish in High school or kinda like Glenn! Cotate su pelo amigo is what your looking for amiga! Que te vendiga mi amiga!
oopps...i ment to say...Que Dios te vendiga mi amiga heeh heeh!
bwaaaahah ah aaaa!! checka out Cisco with the mop on top.
your brown buddy!!
Cisco looks alot like Zak the flakjacket.
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