Sunday, September 10, 2006

Vunder heading to South Korea

This Sunday morning Rob headed out on a plane, destination, Inchon, South Korea. Vunder is in the middle of his paperwork to allow him to become a long term missionary in Okinawa. His paperwork is not done, so he has to head out of country and then return for a fresh new 90 day stay in Japan. With an American passport, you are only allowed 90 days on your visa, then, you have to leave the country and enter again. He either had a choice to travel to Taiwan or Korea. Korea was much cheaper, so he went that route. You've got to hand it to Vunder, he is stepping out in faith. He is traveling to Korea, not knowing where he will stay or what he will do. But he knows that God will take care of him. Please keep him in your prayers that God will lead and guide him while he is out of country. God has much in store for this guy. God bless you Vundy!


Anonymous said...

Hey Rob...we really know that you're a secret agent for N."K" give Kim Sum a howdy-do

Anonymous said...

go share some love w/ kim jong ill. i think you're in trouble cause theres no wienerschnitzel in South Korea


Anonymous said...

kim jong ill is not in South Korea, he is from the north.

Anonymous said...

north korea, south korea, its all korea = )


Anonymous said...

it's actually not, they are two different countries, north is communist.

Anonymous said...

Robby, fleshless-man you rock! How was the sushy in Korea? I hate raw fish! Yucky. Gross. It makes me barf like crazy, you know. Dude, it would be sooooo cool if you tied your hair in a ponytail. Not pigtails! That would look strange. Ha ha! You make me laugh Robby. Me outta hear, later cool fleshless-man friend.

Anonymous said...

North Korea IS a separate country from South Korea. DUH.

Sushi is Japanese. HELLO?
Rob probably ate Kimchi.
Red stuff for the Red Man.

Gosh Already