We are in step three of a four part series in getting our Japanese Drivers licence. First we had to go to a company and get our California Drivers licenses translated into Japanese. Then we had to registar at the Okinawan DMV. Next we had to take our written test. That is what we are doing in the picture above. Praise God we passed the test. Now the real work begins. We have to take the actual behind the wheel driving test. Most people fail the first, second,third and fourth times. Each time we have to pay around $30.00 dollars. We will need all of your prayers to pass quickly.
Tom-sa, Joanna-san and Rob!!!
We'll be praying for you guys desu!!!!! Gambatte ne!! zettai God's gonna lead you and use this time dayo ne!! If you guys need help or anything just let us know ne!! Kami sama kara no shukufuku ga arimasu yo-ni!! A-men...
...Tim and Ayu
Hold on...Is Tim offering to to help teach you how to drive?!!?!?!?!?!?! so scary!Two words for all of his students LIFE INSURANCE!!
i'll be praying for you guys! Just don't pull a daniel sedota while takin' your test!!! heeh..heeh..
no dont pull a segi and hit two cars in 5 seconds! bwhahahaha
Just switch your citizenship and you'll get your license for free! Woohoo!
I don't know who's the better driver? Daniel or Seg.... After driving with both of you I would say Seg, though he hit the car pretty bad, nobody else has jacked up the van twice like you Daniel...and having a bike hit us in my Mom's car. So far Segi 1 Daniel 3
as long as there's sweet tunes in the backround I don't mind who's driving
dang zach i thought you had my back brotha...sniff sniff...
much love zach...much love..
I say you're better off letting neither Daniel OR Segman drive. Tell him to get a bicycle when he comes back! :) And I'll sleep alot better too!
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