He began by stating that September 11th (9/11) used to be a special day for his family. You see September 11, 1945 was the day that he and his three other siblings were released from the Japanese prison camp in China during WWII. It was a miracle they were alive. They spent 3 years in prison camp, 5 1/2 years away from their parents. During that time in prison, they were raised by Eric Liddel, yes you got it, the former Olympic medalist. He was also captured and he literally raised all the boys and girls in the camp. He was their role model. Hudson Taylor III parents were broken as their children were separated from them in China, as his mom and dad were serving the Lord in a different area of China, but the kids were back in school in a safer place in China (the Japanese captured that area). They were raised by incredible teachers who loved the Lord and poured their lives into the children. He gave an incredible message in which it was hard to keep your eyes dry as the Lord poured into our lives, it was awesome! Words cannot express the honor that you felt just being in the room hearing his words. As you can see he is an older man, but he exhorted us with words like "go for it" "that blew my brains" and "higily digily". He knew how to connect with the people he was speaking to. His words were words of encouragement to go forward for the Lord and not to let anything stand in your way of doing the Lord's work. The words that still ring in my heart were from Acts 19:20. He said "the world is changed by people who preached the Gospel in the Power of the Holy Spirit". I am still blown away.
Awesome stuff! : D
HIGITY DIGITY! That is so awesome Pastor Tom! What a blessing!
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