Joanna is heading back to the States. She has been invited to be one of the guest speakers at CCLivingwater's Women's Retreat. It is such a blessing that she will once again be able to serve back at our home church in Corona. Serving Jesus means that we have family all over the world. Also, she will be able to attend the Calvary Chapel Pastor's Wives Retreat in Murrieta. She will have a busy two weeks away from Okinawa. We are really going to miss her. The Bible College students are in for a treat, as Pastor Tom will be in charge of cooking for Joanna's days. Let's see, peanut butter sandwiches one day, top ramen the next, oh yeah, don't forget about some hard boiled eggs to shake things up a bit.
your lost our gian, for two weeks. J/K.Thank you so much for being obediant to the Lord and going where HE sends you to go.May the Lord continue to work in a mighty way at CCBC okinawa.
Someone needs to check their grammar
watch out zach...when asa gets back you probably wont be able to pick him up!
see you guys in Cali!
the fellow anonymous, you mean check the spelling
why does he speak of himself in the third person when he is the person writing?
joanna - i get to work the pastor's wives conf!! look for me, i'll be the one driving around old ladies in the golf carts.
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