Pastor Brian is pastoring the church in New Zealand. I remember when he first went out there. Now there are 9 Calvary Chapels that are in that country. The Lord has used Brian to start many of them. We were truly blessed by his message. He reminded us of our Calling, the Confirmation and our Continuing in that calling. He finished up encouraging us in Jesus Sufficency. What stuck out in my mind is how Brian stated that when he was in Australia (ministering for 20 years) it was a different situation when God called them to New Zealand. He stated that when he went to New Zealand everything was "bathed" in prayer. How when he stepped on NZ soil, everything began earlier in prayer. Again, he was "bathed in Prayer". It is so important that we continue to "bath everything in Prayer" that we do at CCGinowan and the Bible College. As we step out into new works, especially as we continue to step out in Ishikawa, we need to continue to "bath" everything in prayer. Good stuff!
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