This is a picture that Tamiko took at the VBS at CCOkinawa. The College interns as well as the SOS crew are able to be a part of this group. They are having a wonderful time but they come back pretty tired. It is not easy running around with kids all morning. Just ask Keegan. Hey, he looks pretty good in that hat! They have two more days left, and then comes the weekend. Hang in there gang, you awards await you in Heaven!
Pastor Tim literally "wrapped it up". He helped MC the reception and put on a good show for us at the end. He has some good rap juice and we love to hear it in Japanese. Eder and Amanda are up in Nago now with the Newell's, the Diaz' Japanese is taking off! Sunday morning Eder taught the kids all in Japanese! Great job bro!
The Gushiken family are the most famous Christian dance group in Okinawa. Their whole family sings and dances traditional style Okinawan. The girls are a blessing and they performed for Eder and Amanda's reception at the Church. It was awesome! Check out Eder and the traditional garb. I am sorry I did not get a good picture, but you can check out Facebook, also if anyone has some good pictures give us the hook up in the comment section below.
The typhoon has blown by us with little effect and now it is heading to Mainland Japan. Thank you for your prayers because the typhoon is quickly loosing strength. By the time it hits the mainland it will only be a category 1 maybe 2. Now that can still cause damage, but not as much as if it was a category 4 like they thought that it would be. The power of prayer, do not take it for granted.
It hits you really hard when you think about an old friend who was with you right from the beginning, Simon was one of the first guys to begin the program here at Teen Challenge. Temote started Teen Challenge around the same time as we began our ministry here in Ginowan City. In fact Temote brought the first guy who joined Teen Challenge to the cafe for our Sunday night w2 service. Shortly after the first guy came Simon, I thought to myself after meeting him, "I don't know if this guy is going to make it". But Simon continued to grow, even to the point of becoming a leader for the rest of the guys. As the Lord grew Simon it was quite evident that the Lord had a special calling upon his life. The Lord opened the doors for him to become involved with the Tohoku/Sendai relief up in Mainland Japan. The guys from Teen Challenge Okinawa began working closely with Samaritan Purse. Simon quickly began to be a leader and served well with them up North. Well, today Simon made the commitment to become full time with the Billy Graham Evangelical Association. He will be leaving Okinawa this Wednesday to begin full time making preparation for the BGEA outreach in Sendai next year.
One message can change your life, it did for me, it was one message that started the whole process of moving to Okinawa; On Wednesday nights we have been teaching through the book of Joshua. We were told that when the priest's put their feet firmly in the Jordan that is when the Jordan parted. It is when we put our feet firmly down in the work that God has called us to do, then we will see the waters part. We are going to miss Simon here in Okinawa, he is a special friend, but we know that God has great things in store for this brother. We love you Simon, God is good and He will do great things in your life.