Saturday night a group of us went out to Mihama Justco and spent some time passing out fliers for the breakdance contest that will be held July 16th. Tim Newell has had the vision for this for many years, and Calvary Okinawa has graciously sponsored this event again this year. It was such a blessing passing out the fliers and getting to know people on the streets. One thing is for sure, people are searching for the answer to life. Be it in Newport Beach California or on the boardwalk of Okinawa Japan, people are still searching, and we have the answer, Jesus Christ! If you have the opportunity next week, please join us again at Mihama Justco at 6pm, we will be setting up some guitars, playing music, talking to people about Jesus, and passing out fliers for Rhythm Unity 6. For those of you who are not in Okinawa, please continue to pray for this outreach, as we share the Love of Jesus Christ with the people here on this island.
Hello everyone! Let me introduce to you Harvey Douville. Many of you over here in Okinawa do not know Harvey, but our family has known the Douville's for over 16 years. Harvey is Dion's dad, and Dion is the Pastor at CCHagerman Valley in Idaho. We had the privelege of sending Dion to Idaho about 4 years ago. (Whew! That was a long introduction)
Well, Harvey has attended Calvary Costa Mesa's School of Ministry for the past 2 years, and has sat under Pastor Chuck Smith's teaching ministry. Harvey has recently graduated from that school. Pictured above is Harvey and his beautiful wife Elsa (I have know Elsa for over 30 years) they are being prayed for after the ceremony. Pictured above is Harvey walking down the isle with his classmates. We are so proud of you Harvey! He has attended the school for 2 years, everyday getting on the 91 freeway at 5:30am to begin study at 7:00am. This is a great accomplishment.
What is next for Harvey. I don't know, but he does have a heart for North Dakota where he came from. Please pray for our brother and his wife Elsa, as they pray for God's leading and direction in their lives. Please leave an encouraging word for both of them, as you click the comment button below. God bless you all, Pastor Tommy