This Saturday we were in the middle of a typhoon. So most of the day we just chilled around the house, did some homework, studied the Word, and took naps. At night we went to whatever restaurant Keegan wanted to eat at, and you guessed it - The Dragon! Afterwards we headed down to San-A Chatan and shopped, ate ice cream and then back to the house. At the Ruiz house Keegan's dad Mark baked him a cake. So we sang Happy Birthday (check out the candle it is in Japanese) ate again and fellowshipped the night away. Happy Birthday bro! Please leave an encouraging word below for Keegan.
Happy birthday. Are you like 44 or 45 years old? Blessings dude.
i dont know who you are but i do know the people you are with and you are blessed to have them with you. may the Lord bless you with more b-days to come
Happy Birhtday, Keegan. Hope you had a good day. How does it feel to to be in tyhoon weather?. well we are doing find over here. We have been looking at some new houses.We have be looking at one where there is a golf course. Cool!! Well your nana wants to get online to send a message. Say hi to tour dad, we sure miss you guys.Love you, Tata
Hope your day was great and eventful. Heard U R having a tyhoon.....stay safe. Wish we could have been together for your 18th birthday all of us. U R now a young adult...whew! Boy, am I getting older. We love you and your dad and miss you guys. Take care mijo. Oh yes, excuse tata's spelling.
God bless you both and may He keep you safe.
Happy 18th Birthday Mijo!
I'm glad that the Lord has placed you with some great brothers and sisters in the Lord. And, on top of that, you have dad too. Isn't God good! Continue seeking the Lords will for your life. My prayers are always with you. Love and miss you - Mom
Hey Keegan!
Hope your Bday was a special one! I must say, I have a feeling that you'll remember this birthday for quite some time! Stay safe out there and keep doing your thing, buddy... Karina and Anthony say hello! We love you and are praying for you.
Love ya,
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