This is the cover picture that Pastor Tim Newell submitted to the people of the Billy Graham Evanglistic Association. Some of you might not know, but Tim will be performing at the Okinawa Franklin Graham Festival on November 3rd - 5th. His band "hakugaijin" (persecuted foreigner or persecuted whiteboy) will be ministering that night along with Tommy Coombs band and other Okinawan performers. It is a great honor, so please keep him and the band in your prayers.
suge----!! Tim kakkoii for Jesus!!
I will be praying for you Hakugaijin! haha i love it:D
I am little confused about the band's name............I think people of many colors are persecuted all over the world..........so why only white people now? I am very very confused. Whatever, I know that God loves people of any color.
Actually, the name was not made with the meaning of white people being persecuted. The name was made from a big "Dajare/Pun". And as a joke we have been using it when play at different places, just as a joke to let everyone laugh and relax. So, it's not a serious name. Sorry, I don't want to stumble anybody. So please tell me your thoughts. Is it really that offensive? If so, please tell me. Here's my email... lactoseman@hotmail.com God Bless and thank you for sharing your question and concern. TimuTaku
yes, it is offensive and not funny to me. everyone does not know the inside jokes of yours. it just leaves too much to the imagination. is it a political statement to the japanese or americans? i can see the persecution as a christian, but that leads back to the other argument of you not being the only one. are you really persecuted like people, especially christians, in third world countries? japan and america are not third world countries. by the way, this email doesn't count as persecution for your faith.
Mr. Newell,
I know you pray....
I've heard you.
I know you hear God....
just LOOK where you live.
I know you love the LOST....
just LOOK AROUND....
the proof is everywhere.
Tim -
YOU pray...
YOU ask God what's best
I can see the honor, because you
didn't delete the comments of
those that disagree.
Can't we all just get along?
God's ministry, God's Will be Done. Thank You.
God bless and I'll continue to pray.
1 Corinth.1:26
From a foolish thing, Timutaku
Check this out...the meaning of white in this name...is non existant...let me explain...Christians are made a NEW Creation, therefore the bible calls us aliens, we no longer belong to this world, our home is in heaven, Christians even in their home countries, are GAIJIN, we, so many of us are scared to lose "our lives" (phisically but in most cases, socially) for the King that loved us so much that He would Graciously give His life! We are not doing anybody good, by living as the rest of the world, therefore...HakuGaijin. We are called to follow God and leave ALLLLLL behind, and it is a promise that will will be persecuted due to our new choice of living. I want to encourage others not to be scared to live our their faith.
Sorry for the confusion. And thank You for Your GREAT and well respected questions.
HakuGaijin, Persecuted Outsider.
nothing to do with Hakujin (White dude) anybody can be one.
Case solved. and i will make sure to explain this to all. Thank you again. God bless
TimuTaku`s 3rd comment(dont get me confused with other commentators)
Thank you for those of you who have commented on this article. I just want to remind everyone that this site is for edification only. Pastor Tim has a wonderful heart and he wants to use his life for the glory of God. Please continue to pray for him as the Lord is definitely using his life in a wonderful way. It is amazing that God has opened doors for him that none of us have had the opportunity to do for Jesus.
Pastor Tommy
Congrats on your up coming event Pastor Timmy. You are always in our thoughts. Miss you!
Love you
Proud Sis
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