Saturday, November 03, 2007

Ministry at Kokusai Dori

Tonight the group headed out to Kokusai Dori and played some music and passed out tracts to the people who passed by. We were "planting seeds of the Gospel" in people's lives. Most of the people who are out in Kokusai Dori are Mainland Japanese people who are visiting the island. Okinawa is a big vacation spot for Mainlanders. One lady is from the Kobe area and wanted to know if there was a Calvary Chapel in her area. We told her regretfully "no, not yet". There is such a need to plant churches all over Japan. The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few.


Anonymous said...

Nice pic.(^-^)/. it's really an encouragment to see you all haveing an outreach in NAHA KOKUSAI STREET. Sugoi!!
Main lander needs to hear about Christ.

クリステイーナ said...

Fishers of men!!
Be ready in and out of season!