Thursday, April 17, 2008

Biblical Preaching class

Charles Spurgeon used to give his Preaching students 5 minutes to prepare to teach for 5 minutes. He would call out their name and give them a Scripture, they would have to teach for 5 minutes on that portion. You might ask "5 minutes to prepare to teach, why so short a time?". The reason being, that is how long it took for them to get from the back of the balcony to the front of the pulpit. During that long walk, they would pray and seek the Lord on what they were to teach. We gave the Biblical Preaching class the same assignment. They had 5 minutes to prepare on a Scripture that we gave them. They were then to come to the front of the class and teach for 5 minutes on that portion. They were to remember all of the things that we taught them on how to teach. Giving an opening statement, picking out 3 key words, using illustrations and do not forget, a good conclusion. This is just a couple of the students out of the 8 that took the class. They did a good job, check them out for yourself by double clicking on the video above.


Melissa's Life said...

Dude I wish I could of did that :)

George Sedota said...

Woe, that is tough... You guys did an awesome job!

Jeff and Donna Hebert said...

Nice job Cotton and Zach! Very impressive!