Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Genesis Chapter 24

In our Genesis class we were studying through Genesis 24. This chapter talks about how Abraham sends his trusted servant to find a wife for his son Issac. One of our students in their practical application part of the assignment wrote this and I think that it is fitting for life. I hope that you enjoy it. "Rebekah’s heart of servitude inspires me very much. She didn’t know that this would lead up to her marrying Isaac, but she acted out of love to a man she didn’t know at all and was walking in the will of the Lord. The Lord intervened with his plan for Rebekah and Isaac’s life. Again in this chapter when Isaac was out in the field meditating, he looked up and saw what the Lord had brought before him. Rebekah did the same thing on her travels. The Bible said that she looked up and then saw Isaac. Their marriage wasn’t an act of themselves but in obedience to the Lord being where He wanted them to be. The most successful way the Lord works in people’s lives are when we are whole heartedly focused on Him so that the desires of our hearts are in tuned with His Spirit, and then we will know we are walking in His will."


Anonymous said...

Awww man, flash back from my Genesis class with Lu Wing....

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! this goes for everyone that is single, or divorce if you new in christ, you wait for the right time, the Lord has for you.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! this goes for everyone that is single, or divorce if you new in christ, you wait for the right time, the Lord has for you.