Sunday, December 28, 2008

Joanna and Mariko in Santa Cruz

Today, Joanna, Mariko, Pastor Cisco and Mika went up North to visit Pastor Dylan at CCWatsonville. They are located close to Santa Cruz and about two hours away from San Francisco. Pastor Cisco has to partner in a Spanish/American wedding Saturday afternoon. After the wedding, Joanna and Mariko hooked up with Jessica Birchard and went out for dinner. Sunday afternoon they are planning a trip to the Golden Gate Bridge! I know that they are going to have a great time, and I can't wait to see the pictures.


Jessica said...

aww it was so great seeing Joanna and Mariko!! I was so blessed! Thanks again girls for coming to dinner! :)

Anonymous said...

Arigato--!! Joanna and cisco & Mika
and Jessica-san. I thanks to God.