Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cleanup Day!

The group went down to Kayo's Dads house near Nago to do some yard work. The yard is beautiful. We did tree trimming, weeding and Kayo provided some great tasting snacks. Oishii (delicious)! It was the first time that I met Kayo's dad, he is a nice man and Andrew will have a lot of time getting to know him and the family. It was really a blessed morning/afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankyou SOO much for taking the time to help us clean.
And thankyou for being a good witness.
My dad was so amazed to see how you all worked together. he was saying that you all were so humble and were very different from the people that he know.

Thankyou for your love and for your servant heart.

こころ から 神様に みんな を かんしゃ します。

みんな、ほんとうに ありがとうございます。
