Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Tokito

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DSC09875 Today Tokito officially becomes an adult in Japan. In America a person becomes an adult at 18 years of age. But here in Japan the legal age is 20. It is a big deal when you turn 20 in Japan, the city office has a celebration in the first week of January. All the guys and gals who turn 20 show up at the city office for pictures and it is a special day for the parents. The 20 year olds all wear special kimonos, it should be awesome. Zach turns twenty soon, so Tokito and Zach will be a part of the festivities. Tokito wanted a special Blueberry cake so Joanna baked him one. As you can see from the bottom picture, Tokito is wearing a special beanie. Amanda and the girls embroidered it. Tokito’s name in katakana is there and also the wolf sign. Toki loves wolf’s. Well, Happy Birthday Toki, we love you bro!

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