Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Featured Missionary: Joel Coronado

joelllllllllllllllllllllllllIf you go on the website of Calvary Chapel Wildwood, you can see our very own Joel Coronado featured as this month’s Missionary. There he is, our very own Joel, sporting his visa picture “I’m Legal”, can you see it, Joel has a “green card”, well they are really white here in Okinawa. God bless you Joel, and God bless your home church in America, CCWildwood in California.

1 comment:

DEAN said...

Joel is on the power-point screen every service at CC Wildwood so I'm sure at least a few people pray for him besides friends and family :]
His family helps out a lot at Wildwood too.
May God strengthen them and gives them more personal ministering opportunities.