Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Times Have Changed

                 October 2008                          January 2010



It is amazing to see how time can change things. September 2008 Eder first came to us from Nevada, and now he has lost some serious weight. The healthy Okinawan food has done wonders for our brother. He arrived in Okinawa at 275 pounds, and now he is 208, that is almost 70 pounds (35 kilos) lost! Here at the Bible College the students eat healthier. We make sure to provide for them a good diet low in fat, but high in Okinawan vitamins and minerals (we eat a lot of the local produce). But again Eder is committed to working out 3 times a week getting up at 5:30am (doing his devotions) and being at the Gym by 6:30am in the morning. Breakfast at the Cafe is at 8am. Great job Eder, you are looking good bro!


Unknown said...

lookin' good bro. better n better till He calls us home!!

cleansed_by_blood33 said...

mmmmmmm.....good lookin...
