Saturday, April 25, 2009

Flash Back!

Crazy Korea Crew! This sure was a fun group, they were a real blessing in Korea. There is only one guy missing..... Who is it? Dean! Like always, he is off somewhere in the airport, I do not know where he could have went, we are in a holding area. This picture is amazing because it kind of catches the personalities of everyone, just look at their faces, expressions, body movements, now you know what kind of trouble they got into.

1 comment:

James said...

I am James.
Do you remind me?
I can't forget time when we gospelize others and I talk to you.
I knew blogs of Okinawa people.
Thank you for visiting Korea.
Though it is difficult to be missionaty,I certainly decide to be missionary.
Because I realized that God has amazing plan for me.
I am looking forward to meet Okinawa people again.
God bless you.